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By Dr. Victoria D. Coleman
The Anger Doctor
In the 21st century global economy, anger has become a major personal, family, organizational, and societal challenge. Anger management involves change, including the acquisition of information about self and the environment. The initial step in anger management is to acknowledge that one needs to change, as many individuals respond that they do not have a problem, and it is someone else’s fault or responsibility. These individuals are in denial, an attitude that can be a major barrier to the process of anger management. Another major barrier can be low self-concept or low self-esteem.
Change will not occur without motivation; and individuals change when there is motivation to change, and when they have a cursory understanding of who they are. In my anger management program, I initially focus on self-assessment, with an emphasis on self-concept and self-esteem, as these are integral components of an Anger Management Program.
To begin the self-assessment process, I ask individuals to examine the self as it relates to seven areas: Personal Self; Physical Self; Family Self; Social Self; Work Self; Financial Self; and Spiritual Self. By conducting an in-depth assessment and evaluation of the self, individuals have a better understanding of who they are, including issues and concerns related to anger and anger management.
The Anger Management Program consists of a pre/post-test of self-concept, self-esteem, and other personality traits that will facilitate the clients identifying their anger issues and concerns, and developing appropriate communication skills.
Dr. Vicki D. Coleman, CAMF
The Anger Doctor
Anyone can become angry. That is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way...that is not easy.